Official registration agent
Australias most affordable and fastest LEI code registration
+61 2 9052 4973
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Transfer & Renew existing LEI
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Transfer & Renew existing LEI
We could not find any data on the entered company number! Please try again.
The Gleif records show that you already have a LEI managed by another LOU. You are now in the process of transfering it to our LOU before we can renew it!
Data from registry
Entity Name
Address (street name and no.)
Postal code
Entity created on
Data from GLEIF (
LEI number
Next renewal
Confirm registry information
Yes the information is correct
Is the address the correct legal and headquarter address?
Type of Registration number
Entity created on
Please enter date of creation/incorporation
Enter the legal address
Entity Name
Address (street name and no.)
Postal code
Same legal- and headquarter address?
Yes, it is the same address
Is the headquarter address equal to the provided legal address?
Enter the headquarter address
Address (street name and no.)
Postal code
Signing Authority
Are you a signing authority
Yes, I have signing authority
First name
Last name
No, I will enter email for a signing authority
No, I will upload a power of attorney from a signing authority
Please enter whether you are a signing authority for the Company
E-mail for signing authority
Enter e-mail for signing authority, if not you
Name of signing authority
First name
Last name
Power of attorney
Please upload a power of attorney
Confirm current LEI Level2 Data
Yes, current LEI Level2 Data is correct
Is the current LEI Level2 Data still accurate?
Is the entity controlled by only Private Individuals?
Please specify whether one or more Individuals owns the company or whether no legal entities are involved in ownership
Is the entity owned by a parent entity?
Yes, the entity is owned by a parent entity
Is the entity owned by another legal entity thus controlling share (typically > 50% shareholding)
Parent entity consolidates the annual report?
Yes, the parent entity consolidates the annual report
Does the parent entity consolidate accounts with this entity?
Parent entity
Are you able to provide information about the parent entity relationship public?
Yes, I will provide info about the parent entity
No, I am prevented to provide information about the parent entity relationship public due to one of the below reasons:
Legal obstacles prevent me providing the information
Consent from parent entity has not been requested
Legal commitmens prevent me to provide or publish this information
The parent entity could not confirm is disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the legal entity or the relevant parent
The disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the legal entity or the relevant parent.
Choose YES if you can/must inform about the parent entity or NO if you are prevented to do so due to one of the listed reasons
Does parent entity have an LEI?
Please indicate whether the parent entity has an LEI
Entity name
Address (street name and no.)
Postal code
Latest accounting period start date
Provide start date of latest accounting period
Latest accounting period end date
Provide end date of latest accounting period
Parent relationship start date
Enter start date for parent entity relationship
Ownership by the parent entity in percent
Please enter the parent entity's ownership of the entity in percent
Applied accounting standard
Local accounting standard
Local accounting standard
International Financial Reporting Standard
International Financial Reporting Standard (developed by the International Accounting Standards Board – IASB)
US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
United States-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Please select applied accounting standard for parent entity
Parent entity relationship documentation
Upload documentation that support the parent entity relationship, e.g. annual report
Is the parent entity the ultimate consolidating entity?
Yes, the parent entity is the ultimate consolidating entity
Is the parent entity the ultimate consolidating entity?
Ultimate parent entity
Are you able to provide information about the ultimate parent entity relationship public?
Yes, I will provide info about the ultimate parent entity
No, I am prevented to provide information about the ultimate parent entity relationship public due to one of the below reasons:
Legal obstacles prevent me providing the information
Consent from parent entity has not been requested
Legal commitmens prevent me to provide or publish this information
The parent entity could not confirm is disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the legal entity or the relevant parent
The disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the legal entity or the relevant parent.
Choose YES if you can/must inform about the ultimate parent entity or NO if you are prevented to do so due to one of the listed reasons
Does parent entity have an LEI?
Please indicate whether the parent entity has an LEI
Entity name
Address (street name and no.)
Postal code
Latest accounting period start date
Provide start date of latest accounting period
Latest accounting period end date
Provide end date of latest accounting period
Parent relationship start date
Enter start date for parent entity relationship
Ownership by the parent entity in percent
Please enter ultimate parent entity ownership of parent entity in percent. If the number is unavailable, please leave it empty.
Applied accounting standard
Local accounting standard
Local accounting standard
International Financial Reporting Standard
International Financial Reporting Standard (developed by the International Accounting Standards Board – IASB)
US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
United States-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Please select applied accounting standard for parent entity
Parent entity relationship documentation
Upload documentation that support the parent entity relationship, e.g. annual report
Express delivery
Yes, please
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A$ 0.00
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